
Learn how to use and configure our Discord bot for your server.

Getting Started

To create your bot, first you need to obtain a key. While our bot is still in beta development, it is currently application-only keys. Join the discord and open a support ticket to apply. Servers with 400+ members can apply for a free key.


Bailey Bot offers a wide range of commands across different categories. Here's a comprehensive list:


  • /vouch - Allow users to vouch for others.
  • /restore - Restore your vouches in case your server gets deleted or you get termed.
  • /lookup - Look up vouches for a specific user.


  • /balance - Check your current balance.
  • /blackjack - Play a game of blackjack.
  • /coinflip - Flip a coin.
  • /convert <amount> <from currency> <to currency> - Convert between currencies.
  • /crypto <LTC, BTC, or SOL> - Check cryptocurrency prices.
  • /donate - Make a donation.
  • /fish - Go fishing for rewards.
  • /sell - Sell items from your inventory.


  • /8ball <question> - Ask the magic 8-ball a question.
  • /cat - Get a random cat picture.
  • /rps <rock, paper, or scissors> - Play rock, paper, scissors.
  • /skibidi <@user> (optional) - Skibidi someone (or yourself if no user is mentioned).


  • /addrole <@user> <@role> - Add a role to a user.
  • /avatar <@user> or <userid> - Display a user's avatar.
  • /get-user-id - Get the ID of a user.
  • /info <@user> or <userid> - Get information about a user.
  • /removerole <@user> <@role> - Remove a role from a user.
  • /serverinfo - Display information about the server (only works with custom bots).
  • /time <country> - Display the current time in a specific country.


  • /configure - Set up your bot and change your embeds.
  • /create bot - Create a new bot instance (Bailey [+] feature).

Creating your discord bot

To start setting up your bot after you obtain your key, go to the discord server and use the /redeem command. This command allows you to redeem your key. Next you will need to make your own discord bot by going to and hitting the new application button. Now that you have your application you will need to go to the bot tab and enable all "Privileged Gateway Intents" Next you can hit reset my bot token, once you have reset your bot's token make sure to save that somewhere safe and do not share that. Now you can go back to the discord server and do the /create command. you can input your bot's token that you saved and get your discord id by right clicking on your profile (hint: to get your discord id you need developer mode turned on, it's in settings under advanced) Now once you have done that your bot is almost finished, go back to the developer portal and use the OAuth2 tab to invite your bot to your server with bot and admin selected. Congrats! you have now setup the bot and invited it to your server, now you can follow the rest of the tutorial to configure it.

Configuring your bot

Nice job! you finished making your bot, now let's get the vouches rolling in. First you will have to use the /configure command, and set your vouches channel, and your customer role. This command is pretty self-explanatory but don't worry if you need any help, please open a support ticket in our discord server. Once you have set that up you are all done, but let's have some fun configuring this thing! The biggest thing you can do is change your bot's pfp and name by going to the developer portal and just changing the pfp and name! Next you can change your embeds however you want, use the /configure command then hit edit embed, then you can edit the Title, the Description, and the Color all through this one command. If you would like it to say something like this is vouch number 31, you can hit edit description and use the vouch_count variable. I will list all the variables below.

Variable list

  • user - The user being vouched for.
  • voucher - The user who is giving the vouch.
  • message - The message content of the vouch.
  • stars - The star rating.
  • vouch_count - The total number of vouches for the user.

For all of these make sure to surround the variable name with curly brackets.


If you need help or have any questions, join our support server and open a ticket, our fine staff would love to help you.